Kompas Camping Westende


  • Campsite at 10 min. from the beach
  • Child-friendly facilities
  • Pitches & accomodations
  • Voor camper, kampeerder én logeerder

Pitches and accommodations

We offer spacious comfort pitches and comfortable accommodations such as camping cabins or Comfort Lodges for up to 6 people.



Coastal campsite

Our campsite is located near the Belgian coast. From Kompas Camping Nieuwpoort you will step with your feet into the sand in no time.

Child friendly facilities

On the campsite there are many child-friendly facilities: sports and play areas, an airtrampoline and a real water playground.

Will you come and enjoy Kompas Camping Westende?

Kompas Camping Westende is situated less than 10 minutes walking from the beach. Here you will find all the ingredients for a pleasant holiday with family or friends! As a beach lover or looking for some peace and quiet you will feel right at home. While you enjoy a well-earned drink on the terrace, the children can enjoy themselves in the water playground. Or what do you think of the cosy layout of the camping fields, the adventurous playgrounds and the neat and tidy sanitary facilities. Are you coming to enjoy yourself?

Kompas Camping Westende op de kaart