Cancellation insurance
Art. 1: Who is the insured person?
Every person who subscribed a cancellation insurance through Kompas Camping with DVV insurances.
Art. 2: Insured amount
Maximum total cost of stay (excluding cancellation insurance premium).
Art 3: Cancellation deposit
DVV-Insurances reimburses the non-recoverable costs resulting from the cancellation of the stay due to:
- Death, accident or illness of an insured, of his life companion(s), of a family member or of a person who lives with the insured at the same place of residence and who is in his care or is his dependant. Life companion(s) means: the person with whom the insured person forms a de facto or de jure cohabitation and who lives with him/her permanently at the same place of residence. Accident or illness is understood to mean: damage to health making it medically impossible to travel.
- Death or danger of life as a result of accident or illness of a blood relative or relative by marriage of an insured up to and including the second degree. Destruction or serious damage to the home or business premises of an insured person.
- Destruction, serious damage or theft of an insured person's camping equipment.
- Involuntary loss for economic reasons of the full-time employment of an insured.
- Involuntary loss of the part-time job if this occurs within 30 days before the start date of the stay.
- Withdrawal of an insured's leave by his employer due to the unavailability of a colleague replacing the insured, due to his illness, accident or death, within 30 days prior to the stay.
- Compulsory presence of the insured, resulting from an employment contract of indefinite duration commencing within 30 days prior to departure.
- Necessary presence of the insured exercising a liberal profession due to the unavailability of the professional substitute of the insured, indicated in the policy, as a result of illness, accident or death.
- Unavailability due to illness, accident or death of the person indicated in the policy, charged with the care of the minor or disabled child of an insured.
- Compulsory presence of the Insured as a witness or member of the jury before the Court of Assizes.
- Recall for military service if this takes place within 30 days before the date of commencement of the stay.
- Childbirth of an insured outside the normally expected period of childbirth.
- Pregnancy problems provided that the insured was not more than 3 months pregnant at the time of registration for the stay.
Cancellation by the travelling companion as a result of one of the above reasons. By travelling companion is to be understood: the person with whom the insured is registered together and who decided to undertake the planned trip or to hire the planned holiday accommodation and whose presence is necessary for the proper course of the trip.
Reimbursement will only be made if one of the aforementioned cases, which could not have been foreseen at the time of registration for the stay, occurs within 8 weeks before the foreseen date of departure, but at the earliest on the day following the booking date of the stay.
If one of these cases occurs, the insured must inform Kompas Camping as soon as possible.
Art. 4. Guarantee premature recall and interruption of stay
DVV-Insurances reimburses the costs resulting from the premature recall due to:
- Death or danger of life due to accident or illness of an insured or a relative by blood or marriage of an insured, up to and including the second degree.
- Destruction or serious damage to an insured person's home or business premises.
- Destruction, serious damage or theft of the camping equipment of an insured person.
- Pregnancy problems, provided that the insured was not more than 3 months pregnant at the time of registration for the stay.
- If one of these cases occurs, the insured must inform Kompas Camping as soon as possible.
In case of premature recall or interruption of stay by an insured of less than 18 years of age, the cover will be extended to the transport costs possibly incurred by another adult insured to bring him home or the transport costs incurred by a family member if no adult insured can still guarantee supervision and maintenance as a result of illness or accident.
In each case, prior approval of DVV insurances is required.
Art. 5. Residence
The insurance is only valid for insured persons domiciled in a country of the European Community. Any disputes will be submitted exclusively to Belgian courts or tribunals.
Art. 6. Claims settlement
DVV insurances pays the fees in case of cancellation and premature recall after deduction of the reimbursement from Kompas Camping due to non use of the discussed services.
Art. 7. What in case of damage?
The insured or beneficiary must:
- Limit the damage.
- Report any damage at the latest within eight days, unless in case of force majeure, in writing to the Kompas Camping where the stay was booked.
- Without prejudice to the application of the penalties mentioned at the bottom of this article, no accident report will be admissible one year after the occurrence of the claim.
- Immediately provide all necessary information and documents concerning the illness, the accident or the damage.
- Facilitate the investigation by DVV insurances as much as possible.
Any failure of the insured or the beneficiaries to fulfil their obligations under this contract will automatically result in the lapse of the guarantee, unless they provide proof of their good faith and they have remedied the failure as soon as possible.